2022 Newsletter Issue 5 - March 31st
Principal's Message
It is hard to believe that today is the final day of Term One! With the delayed start to the 2022 school year due to COVID-19, it has been a mammoth effort by students and staff to get through ten weeks of curriculum and learning in just eight weeks. I would like to congratulate everyone on their commitment to the units of work and assessment tasks that have been covered throughout the term. Gains have been made by every student and it has been fantastic to see the academic growth that has taken place so far this year! I would also like to acknowledge the high level of patience and support that the Thargomindah SS parents and community have shown, as together, we navigated a disrupted start to 2022. All-in-all, Term One has been a very productive one and I look forward to working with you again in Term Two.
School Disco
Thank you to the Year 6 Leadership Group for hosting the school disco last Thursday night. It was a very successful event with the girls raising $40 to put towards future events and initiatives. Ruby, Jesse and Grace ran a variety of games and competitions during the evening and they wish to congratulate the students who won prizes. I would also like to thank the Thargomindah SS staff who took the time to assist with disco supervision and food preparation.
The 2022 NAPLAN tests will be taking place in the middle of Term Two for all Year 3 and Year 5 students. A NAPLAN parent information update went home earlier this week and I encourage the parents of our Year 3 and 5 students to touch base with me if they have any questions around this year’s NAPLAN process. We wish Savannah, Charlize, Mason and Hailey all the best as they practice and prepare for these tests.
Cross Country
As the weather begins to cool off a little, the Thargomindah SS and Cunnamulla District cross country events are fast approaching. We are encouraging students to find some time for running practice over the Easter school holiday break, in readiness for morning cross country training that will take place before school during Week One and Week Two of next term. The 2022 Thargomindah SS cross country will take place on Friday 29 April (Week 2, Term 2) which will then be followed by the Cunnamulla District cross country which will also be held in Thargomindah on Friday 6 May (Week 3, Term 2).
If you have any questions or need to catch up with me at any stage, please feel free to email jmcca133@eq.edu.au or call the school on (07) 4655 3132 to arrange an appointment.
On behalf of the Thargomindah State School staff, I wish all students, parents, carers and community members a safe and relaxing Easter break!
Have a fantastic Friday!
Kind regards,
Week 10, Term 1
Student Awards
K-2 Classroom Award - Braith
3-6 Classroom Award - Grace
Principal Award - Ayla
Kindy Report
This fortnight in the Kindy class we have been learning lots about our bodies; what it looks like, how we treat it, and what to feed it. The kindy kids were able to trace around their bodies, paint themselves, bake different foods and built play houses for themselves. This was a great way to end their first term as Thargomindah State School kindergarten children! Lots of smiling, giggling and happiness from the kids as they moved from activity to activity. Next term will see the kindy students learning about traditional stories, folktales and stories with a moral. This is very closely tied in with what the P-2 class will be learning in their English Unit for the term.
Have a restful holiday with your kindy children and we will see you ready and rearing at the beginning of Term two!!
Bye everyone,
Miss T and Miss M
K-2 Class Report
Hello and goodbye for the last week of school! The downstairs class has been working extremely hard to get their assessment completed with lots of care and effort so we can get into end of term activities! Every student used the Learning Walls well to get the best possible answer for their assessment questions. Aside from the Learning Walls, everyone was able to help their peers to find answers and solve different problems which was very pleasant to see. A collaborative classroom is a great one!
At the beginning of week ten, the K-2 class was able to go for an adventure around town, walking from the school to the Old Hospital and we got to experience and learn from a very personal tour given by Danielle from the VIC. From the Old Hospital we walked across town to the Memorial Park and learnt a bit more about the memorial and why it is there. This small excursion was part of our Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) unit for the semester focusing in particular on important or special places in Thargomindah.
After we had finished all our assessment – students had the opportunity to create and personalise their very own Easter Bonnet. This was a wonderful experience for the students as they got to decorate the hat using a large range of materials and the kids had great fun doing it! Thank you to all the parents and family who were able to attend the parade it is really good being able to have parents attend parades again.
Have a lovely Easter break everyone and spoil the kiddies with lots of chocolate... just not on the day before school is back!
Bye everyone,
Miss T
Class Excursion
3-6 Class Report
Here we are, the final days of school for Term 1, 2022. I would firstly like to congratulate all students on the completion of their assessment. It was not without a bit of stress and reluctance to complete tasks, but in the end, everyone came around and got stuck into their work.
Next term, we will be learning all about the evolution of animals in Science. Students will be exploring the different stages of development for different animals as well as how their growth is impacted by the environment.
In HASS, we will be exploring the First Fleet and the impacts that European settlement had on Indigenous Peoples as well as the impacts that different laws and rules have on different members of Australian society.
Over the holidays students in the Year 3 – 6 class are encouraged to complete their ANZAC essay for ANZAC Day in Week 1 of Term 2, 2022. The essays will be independently judged and the winning student will read their essay on parade in Week 1, Term 2.
I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Easter break. See you in Term 2!
Ms Morgan
Easter Bonnet Parade
Harmony Day Morning Tea
School Disco hosted by Yr 6 Students
Easter Arts & Crafts