2022 Newsletter Issue 1 - February 4th
Principal's Message
It’s wonderful to finally welcome you all back to school for 2022. The Thargomindah State School staff and I are looking forward to seeing students back in our classrooms starting next week, Monday 7 February, 2022.
As we begin our year together, I’ve put together a few important messages regarding our back to school COVID plan and upcoming events.
Back to School COVID Plan
As you would all be aware the Department of Education (DoE) has put out a ‘Back-to-School Plan’ which covers from the 7 February through to 4 March, to ensure we limit the spread of COVID. Please see the key points below from the Department of Education and elaborations on what this will look like at Thargomindah State School:
- Limiting visitors on school sites. Parents and carers are permitted, but we ask that where possible, parents limit the time spent on school grounds when dropping off and picking up students.
- Priority access to Rapid Antigen Tests. If a staff member or student develops COVID-19 symptoms while at school, they will be able to access free RATs from school. Parents/carers will need to collect their child and administer the Rapid Antigen Test at home.
- Suspension of school camps, excursions, assemblies and large gatherings. Unfortunately, for us this will mean we will not be running any community parades during the next 4 weeks. We will still be ensuring that we are celebrating the success of our students in class and sending home important information by letter, Facebook and the Schoolzine App, instead of sharing this at our fortnighlty parade. Thargomindah SS doesn't have any camps or excursions planned for the first 4 weeks, so the "suspension of school camps" directive won’t impact our students this term.
- Limiting other activities including contactors on site and face to face meetings. Thankfully, we are a small school community and can socially distance ourselves to limit the spread of COVID.
- Mask wearing. Students in Years 3-6 will be provided with masks (or can bring their own from home) and are encouraged to wear them when physical distancing is not possible. We have small class numbers so we will be able to space students out in the classroom to limit the need to use masks during most learning activities. Staff are required to wear masks when they are moving (indoors) around the school or when physical distancing is not possible.
Swimming Carnival
COVID-19 has impacted the start to the school year which has forced us to schedule our Thargomindah SS school swimming carnival for Friday 11 February. This is the first Friday back to school. The carnival will take place from 11.00am-2.45pm. The P&C will be running a free BBQ lunch for all students and parents. Again, we are fortunate to be a small community which will allow us to easily maintain our social distance while parents attend our outdoor swimming carnival. The programme for the day has also been attached to this newsletter.
Cunnamulla District Carnival
Students who achieve a qualifying time at the Thargomindah carnival will then be eligible to attend the district carnival in Cunnamulla on Friday 18 February. More information regarding this event will be shared with parents in the coming week.
Homework Club
The Thargomindah SS Homework Club will begin this week, from Monday to Wednesday afternoon, 3.00pm to 4.00pm. As in previous years, the students will receive a small afternoon tea before completing their homework tasks. Miss Ashlee, Mr Lovejoy and Mrs Maricel will be facilitating our Homework Club this year. Behaviour expectations will need to be followed by all students to allow them the privilege of attending this club.
If you would like to meet with me regarding anything that has been mentioned, please feel free to email me at jmcca133@eq.edu.au or call the school on 07 4655 3132 to arrange an appointment.
Kind Regards,
Classroom Entries and Desks ready for 2022 :)
Staff Professional Development